One’s Limitations

I’m not that clever. In discussions with several people on a politics board I had to admit that to myself. I may have feelings, a good turn of phrase and beliefs, I may be able to bring in history or current affairs but when it comes to a grasp of the minutiae, I don’t have it, and never will have it.

To me, the AV Referendum was an illogical question. Why would I want my second choice to win? I would prefer my first choice vote to count proportionally, percentagewise towards a total of seats. That was PR to me. Whatever AV was, it was not that.

And the EU Referendum. Is it democracy to say that the only two choices you have are between “concessions” that make things worse, unless you’re a Tory, or getting out? Where is the status quo, where is closer integration in this? Nowhere! That’s why I opppose the referendum – not because I am anti-democracy but because the whole process of the Referendum is about making things worse for the UK in the EU, and that once embarked upon, remaining where we are, or engaging in a more positive and constructive manner is not possible.

I realise that people don’t understand me, so here you are, some answers


Winds of Change
29th May 2015